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Pha That Luang (Vientiane)

Le temple de Pha That Luang est le monument le plus sacré du pays (That Luang signifiant : Stûpa Suprême), car il est censé contenir un cheveu de Bouddha. On retrouve ce temple sur les armoiries du Laos et sur les billets de banque (dont la monnaie se nomme le Kip). (Vientiane, Laos, Asie du Sud-Est)

________ Pha That Luang temple is the most sacred monument of the cuntry (That Luang meaning : Supreme Stupa), because it is supposed to countain a strand of hair from Buddha. The temple can be seen on the amoiries of Laos and on bank notes (and the currency is named Kip) (Vientiane, Laos, South-East Asia)

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